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赵明 扬州大学园艺与植物保护学院, 扬州 225009  
鞠瑞亭 上海市园林科学研究所, 上海 200232 jurt5907@sohu.com 
中文摘要:红棕象甲Rhynchophorus ferrugineus(Olivier)是为害我国棕榈科植物的重要入侵害虫,为探明温度对该虫生长发育的影响,在室内设置19、22、26、30和33℃等5个温度梯度,观察各温度下红棕象甲的发育进度、存活率及生殖力,计算不同温度下实验种群参数。结果表明,19~30℃时,红棕象甲的发育历期随温度的升高而缩短,世代平均发育历期在19、22、26、30℃时分别为214.9、141.4、74.1、63.2天。世代发育起点温度和有效积温分别为14.2℃和1067.7日度。在22~33℃间,成虫的寿命随温度的升高而缩短,各温度下雄成虫寿命普遍比雌成虫长。单雌产卵量在26℃时最高,平均为267.8粒,19℃时最低,仅为30.5粒。26~30℃为红棕象甲最适宜生长发育温度范围,该范围内成虫繁殖力和种群内禀增长率(rm)最高。
中文关键词:红棕象甲  温度  实验种群  生长发育  种群参数
Effects of temperature on the development and fecundity of experimental population of Rhychophorus ferrugineus
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Zhao Ming College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu Province, China  
Jü Ruiting Shanghai Institute of Landscape Gardening Science, Shanghai 200232, China jurt5907@sohu.com 
Abstract:Red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier), native to Southern Asia, is becoming a serious invasive pest of palms in China in recent years. To clarify the effect of temperature on the development of RPW, the developmental time, survival rate and fecundity of RPW reared on Canary Island date palm, Phoenix canariensis, were investigated and population parameters were calculated at five constant temperatures (19, 22, 26, 30 and 33℃) in the laboratory. The result showed that the developmental time decreased with temperature increasing from 19℃ to 30℃. The developmental time for the whole generation at 19, 22, 26, 30℃ was 214.9, 141.4, 74.1, 63.2 days, respectively. The developmental threshold temperature and effective accumulative temperatures required for the whole generation were 14.2℃ and 1067.7 degree-days, respectively. Longevity of adult RPW was shortened with temperature increasing from 22℃ to 33℃. Generally, the longevity of male RPW was longer than that of female. The maximum number of eggs laid per female was 267.8 at 26℃, while the minimum was 30.5℃ at 19℃. The most suitable temperature range for the development of RPW was from 26℃ to 30℃, and the oviposition and population intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) at this condition were higher than that at other temperatures.
keywords:Rhynchophorus ferrugineus   temperature  experimental population  development  popula-
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