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徐建平 Department of Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton L8S 4K1, Ontario, Canada jpxu@mcmaster.ca 
中文关键词:传染病  寄主植物多样性  病原体多样性  环境因素  分子标记  流行病学  人为影响
Origins and spread of plant fungal and oomycete disease outbreaks
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Xu Jianping Department of Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton L8S 4K1, Ontario, Canada jpxu@mcmaster.ca 
Abstract:Infectious disease outbreaks are common in plant, animal, and human populations. However, aside from a few outbreaks that have developed into epidemics and pandemics, the factors that contribute to most outbreaks remain largely unknown. This is especially the case for plant fungal and oomycete disease outbreaks. Because all epidemics and pandemics start as localized outbreaks which subsequently spread to broader geographic regions, to effectively prevent and control plant disease epidemics and pandemics, it's critical to understand the factors that contribute to the initial outbreaks. In this review, the definition and detection of disease outbreaks are introduced and described. This was followed by brief descriptions of the main factors contributing to plant infectious diseases outbreaks, including host plants, pathogens, and their associated environmental factors. One fungal and one oomycete pathogen are then used as examples to provide brief overview of two agricultural host-pathogen systems and to highlight how molecular tools have helped revealing the origins and spread of pathogens causing outbreaks that have resulted in pandemics. With accelerating changes from anthropogenic activities, including climate change, plant disease outbreaks will likely increase. The paper finishes by discussing how we should prepare ourselves to better prevent and manage future outbreaks.
keywords:infectious disease  host plant diversity  pathogen diversity  environmental factor  molecular marker  epidemiology  anthropogenic effect
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